How To Choose A Router That Has The Best Range?

Choosing a router is a critical part of setting up a broadband connection in your house. You need to buy the router that has the best range that you need for your internet connection. A router performs different functions and hence you need to make sure that it fulfills your particular usage needs before deciding on buying one. Broadband routers are available in two categories namely, wired and wireless.

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which router has the best range


A wireless router is not much more costly than a wired one, but it requires an extra modem if it is a wireless connection. It also consumes much less bandwidth and thus will be able to give you a faster internet connection. There are various types of wireless routers but they all function in the same way. Each type of wireless router is capable of giving you a different range of speeds, depending on its capacity.


A wired system has routers that work on electricity and so are quite expensive. The additional cable wires require more space and they will increase your electrical bills. On the other hand, wireless systems are much more efficient and cheaper as well. Thus you do not have to worry about additional expenses as there is no electricity consumption involved. Therefore, a wireless router is a great option for you if you have limited space.

How to Choose a Router That Has the Best Range?


The additional cables used in this case are not very costly as well. A lot of wireless devices are now coming with their own cables. For example, phones, televisions and DVD players have their own cables, which mean that you do not need to buy separate cables for them. They are also more durable and long lasting than the normal wires. If you consider these facts, it becomes clear that you should opt for a wireless system.


If you already have an old router then you might want to consider changing it to a newer model. This will ensure that you enjoy the benefits of a high-speed internet connection. However, the process of changing a router is not very difficult. If you have a wireless enabled computer then all you need to do is connect it to your router and the new cable will be attached to your router automatically. Thus, you do not have to bother about cables as well as their locations.


If you are purchasing your internet connection through electricity, you can also choose to buy an electric router. These are available at a much cheaper price than normal routers. The only disadvantage is that you cannot use them while travelling. In such cases, you might need to use an alternate source of power. Another downside of this type of router is that they have no flexibility as far as their range is concerned.


Thus, if you wish to choose the best range then there are various other factors, which you need to consider. One of the foremost factors is the distance between the modem and the router. It is very important for your router to have a good range so that you can access various websites easily. However, if you have a router with a short range or if it does not support VoIP then you might have a problem accessing various VoIP applications and websites.


If you want the best range in your VoIP then you need to get a router which supports multiple ranges. This is because if it supports more than one range then you can increase its range and get the internet connectivity service. Hence, you need to check out how much range a particular model has. Another important factor is the speed of the connection. If you want the best broadband speed then you should check out whether your VoIP provider offers such service.

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